What got me started?

What got me started?

So 6 years ago my mother in law wanted a trampoline but we couldn't have it on our sloped lawn so i suggested a decking, she said " go on then!" Bearing in mind that up to now I've only dabbled in very simple woodwork and this job is epic!!!! I agreed to do it, measured, measured again and ordered. What came next surprised me, the pieces came together like a jigsaw and really made sense to me. So after that i never looked back, I even made the ballistrades, handrails and risers. I've now been woodworking for 6 years and have picked up some fab new skills and simply love what I do. I have been making play equipment for childminders, schools and parents and furniture for a local barbers. I've got seating to finish and a tortoise house to build. I'm still learning my trade and eager to impress and build on my skills. What do you need? My doors are now open to the island and I'm ready to build for you. Come and see what MacMade!